A House or A Home
Making up a home, not just a house
A home is filled with love, a house with decoration
Ring finger glistens a home, gold finger glares a house
Immortality describes a home, house is a temporary structure
Equanimity dwells in a home, arrogance resides in a house
Tender care is given at home, in a house a superficial attention
Togetherness is sought in a home, a house doesn't care for
one at all A long and lasting love binds a home,
an embelished feeling coats a house.
Dearest, which option would you take?

Cupid, so stupid to send bytes!
Hypertexting his intense feeling...
Attributes are stored as secrets...
Relative paths I have to locate...
Linking them seems so confusing...
External images? These will help.
Send them now for processing.

Doodz, my number one fan,
Mommy loves you very much!